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Seven Complaints of Pregnant Women and Practical Ways to Overcome It

Changes in hormone levels and fetal development, making pregnant women often complain of a variety of disturbing symptoms. Recognizing the symptoms and ways to deal with complaints of pregnant women, can help you be able to remain active smoothly during pregnancy. In the first trimester of pregnancy, pregnant women often complain of morning sickness symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness, or feeling weak. In addition to the symptoms of morning sicknes above, there are several other complaints that often interfere with the daily activities of pregnant women.

Frequently Complained Pregnant Women

In addition to the symptoms of morning sickness above, there are several other complaints that often interfere with the daily activities of pregnant women. Below are seven complaints of pregnant women and how to overcome them:
  • Easily tired

  • One complaint that is often felt is that pregnant women get tired easily. There are various changes in the body of pregnant women that can make you tired easily, including the formation of the placenta, as well as changes in hormone levels and metabolism naturally. Pregnant women can feel sleepy all day long, but it is difficult to sleep at night. If fatigue has an impact on productivity, try to get to bed early, or sleep during the midday rest to help reduce drowsiness while working. In addition, try to provide enough nutrients for pregnant women to maintain energy availability. Eat at least five servings of fresh fruits and vegetables every day. If possible, ask for help from others to do work that if not able to be done alone, such as washing and ironing clothes. Do regular light exercise, and organize activities effectively so that the body does not get tired during pregnancy.
  • Leucorrhoea

  • Increased levels of the hormone estrogen and blood flow to the vagina make pregnant women more often experience vaginal discharge. Vaginal discharge usually comes from the vagina and cervix which contain cells from the vaginal wall and normal flora bacteria. To reduce discomfort due to vaginal discharge during pregnancy, it is recommended to maintain vaginal cleanliness by washing it from front to back after urinating. Then wear pants that are comfortable, not narrow, and that absorb sweat, and avoid using tight pants, soap, scented vaginal cleaners, and scented tissues and pantyliners.
  • Heartburn

  • Heartburn during pregnancy is a common occurrence, especially in the 4th month before delivery. To reduce the pain of chest complaints feeling hot and burning when heartburn, try to eat slowly in small portions, reduce drinking between meals, avoid spicy foods and fried foods, and avoid lying down immediately after eating. In addition, use pillows so that the head is higher than the legs when lying down, use loose clothing to avoid pressure on the upper abdomen, and keep the body from constipation or constipation. If indeed the pain feels unbearable, you can consult a doctor before taking stomach acid relievers.
  • Headache

  • Changes in body shape and hormones can cause pregnant women to experience headaches. Although it is a common thing, many pregnant women are confused because they worry that the headache medicine is at risk of harming the fetus. To overcome this, lie down and place a cold compress on the head, and regular exercise, such as walking or doing light aerobics. In addition, avoid triggers headaches that you recognize, such as the result of drinking coffee or eating sweet foods. Eating and resting regularly, and consuming enough mineral water, can reduce the risk of headaches. To avoid headaches due to psychological stress, manage stress and do relaxation techniques regularly, such as yoga, massage, or visualization.
  • Excessive weight gain

  • Generally women with ideal body weight will experience a total weight gain of around 11-16 kilograms during pregnancy. Weight gain during pregnancy actually indicates that the baby's body tissues, amniotic fluid, and other supporting needs are developing. One way to increase body weight healthily during pregnancy is to add butter, cheese, cream, or nonfat milk to the daily menu. Pregnant mothers are also recommended to limit the consumption of foods and drinks that are high in sugar and salt, avoiding fast food consumption. serving, and limiting consumption of high-calorie snacks, such as donuts, potato chips, and pastries. It is recommended to replace the menu with healthy foods, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, process foods in a healthier way, such as steaming and boiling, and exercising regularly.
  • Swollen foot

  • Swollen feet during pregnancy are generally caused by a buildup of fluid called edema. Edema is more often experienced by mothers who have twins and who have excess amniotic fluid. To overcome this, avoid crossing your legs when sitting, occasionally standing, walking, and stretching your legs regularly after sitting for a long time. In addition, you can put your feet in a higher position, for example by laying your feet on a small bench when you sit at the table work, wear comfortable shoes, avoid wearing tight socks, especially at the ankles, consume lots of mineral water to reduce the risk of the body storing fluids, consume healthy foods and avoid fast food, and exercise regularly.
  • Nausea and Vomiting

  • Changes in levels of the human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and estrogen hormones, sensitivity to odors, a more sensitive stomach, and stress, can be a common cause of nausea and vomiting. To help relieve nausea and vomiting, avoid lying down after eating, consume small but frequent meals, and eat slowly. Try to choose foods with high protein levels to relieve symptoms, get up from a lying down position or sit slowly , and do not immediately stand up after waking up in the morning. Then avoid fatty foods, spicy foods, fried foods, and acidic foods which can cause irritation to the digestive tract. Don't forget, brush your teeth and rinse your mouth after eating. Also, avoid foods that smell nauseous, drink lots of mineral water but avoid drinking all at once. It is recommended to consume electrolyte drinks that contain lots of glucose, salt, and potassium to help restore the body's electrolytes. Drinking using a straw might help reduce nausea.
Complaints of pregnant women should not be considered trivial, especially if it occurs continuously for a long time. Consult a doctor immediately, if the complaint does not subside immediately or get worse.
